In our last lesson we were working mostly on verbs in the -ing form, present participle of the verb, just as we had studied before the infinitive form of the verb.
It is on page 54 (Clara, you have the sheet, it is the one we started last Monday). Here you can see 3 cases when you use the present participle (-ing). I had already mentioned them on Monday: when we use the verb as noun, after some verbs (e.g. enjoy, hate, love) and after a preposition.
We practiced questions and answers using the verb in the -ing form: for instance questions starting with: Do you mind (always followed by a verb in the ing form) doing your weekly shopping?
and did Ex. b under Vocabulary and Speaking on pg. 55.
Students answered the questions on 5.b, and then we listened to the recording to find out ( Why am I using and infinitive here?) weather our answers were correct or not. The listening has been uploaded to the Aula Virtual and it's called SingingCourses.
1. Write about a short course you have done sometime. Say what the course was about, how long it lasted, what and how much you learned (or improve), what you did in the course.
2. On page 53, choose 5 of the questions under 5c and write an answer them. Each answer should take about a paragraph.
Ex. Do you find it difficult to remember people's names?
I don'd usually find it difficult to remember people's names although I usually need to ask them twice before I memorize them.I always learn a person's name after asking a second time, probably because I know that I would be very embarrassed if I had to ask them a third time.
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