jueves, 22 de enero de 2015


I already uploaded the listening to the Aula Virtual. It's called Dream Interpretation. It's just below the other listenings.

Yesterday we listened to a psychoanalyst asking a patient questions about a dream. Then we matched the images in the dream to possible interpretations. The tenses used were the Past Simple (for completed actions)  and the Past Continuous (when we want to focus the attention on the time spent in an action).

Some new words the we studied are:

Success (n)
Successful (adj)
Succeed (v)
Nightmare (a bad dream)

Students talked about their own dream and nightmares.

Clara had made her own horoscopes for some of the astrological signs. She made her predictions using verb + will. Here is a the video with the interviews about astrological signs. http://www.real-english.com/reo/7/unit7.aspThe main questions asked are:

What's your astrological sign?
What are ......(a specific sign) like?


Do the Grammar exercises on p. 35. Ex. 2, a & b.
Do the Vocabulary exercise on p. 35. About is a very common preposition. It is used with verbs like: talk, think, ask, dream, write. 
The verb think can also take the preposition of, mostly when the object is a person.

These ones are not phrasal verbs, because the meaning of the verb remains the same.

Write about an interesting dream you remember.

Listen to the Dream Interpretation and write down the most interesting parts.

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